Inside the Beltway

Metrocentered: Columbia Heights

11 stops from Tenleytown-AU

alumni in Columbia Heights
Jeff Watts
Lauren Ober

Lauren Ober SPA/BA '00

Bikes from neighboring Mount Pleasant to Columbia Heights Metro

Vanessa Moyonero

Vanessa Moyonero SPA/BA '15

Interns at DC Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs, which works with local business owners

Farhang Erfani

Farhang Erfani 国产小呦女philosophy professor

Owns LeCaprice DC Cafe and Bakery on 14th Street

Daour Diawara

Daour Diawara Kogod/BSBA '05

Plays soccer at Harriet Tubman Elementary School on 13th Street

Chris O'Brien

Chris O'Brien 国产小呦女director of sustainability

Keeps bees in the yard of his Victorian house